To find out prevalence and pattern of menstrual abnormalities and its contribution to anaemia in teen age students and compare it with other causes of anaemia in them.
Methods: In this observational cross sectional study,317 students were included after taking their consent. All girls included in the study; were students ranging from school to medical college, and aged 10-19 years . Details of menarche and menstrual cycle, history of passage of worms in stools, thyroid disease, liver disorder and bleeding clotting disorders were noted .
Results: Out of 317 cases 159(50.6%) were anemic. Sixty percent of adolescents belonged to relatively better socio-economic group, 90% were unmarried, 87.4% non-vegetarian, body mass index (BMI) >25 was present in 53/317 cases, <19 in 29/317. All these variables had no significant relationship with anemia statistically (p-value >0.05).Mean age of menarche was 12.95 years in anaemic adolescents and 12.83 in those without anaemia.Out of 317 menstrual cycle was normal in 60.9%, scanty menstruation in 0.3%, irregular normal flow 6.6%, while 15.8 % had irregular heavy menses, 3.5%: heavy regular menses. Heavy menstrual bleeding both regular & irregular was highly associated with anaemia (p-value <0.001).Dysmenorrhea was present in 57.9% anaemic teens (p-value <0.001).Worm infestation was present in 10.1% cases (p-value <0.001) indicating highly significant association with anaemia. p-value for bleeding/clotting disorders was 0.014 showing significant link with anemia.
Conclusion:Menstrual dysfunction is the main contributor to anaemia in female adolescents other factors being worm infestation and bleeding/clotting disorders. It needs urgent attention of parents and healthcare providers to correct anaemia according to cause and improve their quality of life and ensure healthy mothers in future.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Rakhshanda Toheed , Talha Bin Ayub , Hafiza Sidra Ali ,Faiza Ali