To determine the frequency of different genotypes in HCV positive cases in the population of Rawalpindi/ Islamabad over the period of five years. Methods: Data of total of three thousand eight hundred and eighteen (n=3818) HCV positive adult of both genders screened for genotype testing over the period of six years were analyzed.
Results: Most frequent genotype identified in our study was genotype 3, accounting for 95.8%. The second most common genotype was Type 1 (2.9%). Other genotypes were Type 2 (0.3%)and Type 4 (0.1%). Mixed genotype (Type 1 and 3) were detected in 1 %. Genotype 5 and 6 was not detected in any case. No significant difference was observed among males and females in genotype distribution (p>0.05). Conclusion: Most common genotype among HCV patients was genotype 3, followed by genotype 1.