Official publication of Rawalpindi Medical University
Gastric Outlet Obstruction – An Etiological Breakup

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Arslan Shahzad ,Inayatullah Khan Adil, Mashood Ali, Muhammad Osama ,Mahrukh Laghari, Zain Sharif. Gastric Outlet Obstruction – An Etiological Breakup. JRMC [Internet]. 2017 Mar. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];21(1). Available from:


To evaluate the etiology of gastric
outlet obstruction in Pakistani population.
Methods: In this descriptive study patients with
gastric outlet obstruction were included .All patients
included in the study received intravenous fluids
and electrolytes to correct dehydration and
electrolyte imbalance. Nasogastric suction with
gastric lavage was done. Diagnosis was established
by UGI endoscopy and biopsy and was supported by
CT scan and barium studies where required.
Results: The total number of patients was 39 with
19 males (48.7%) and 20 females(51.3%). The age of
patients ranged from 15 years to 70 years. The mean
age was 43.41 ±16.57. The most common pathology
leading to gastric outlet obstruction was malignancy,
in 21 (53.8%) patients whereas 18 patients (46.2%)
had benign disease. Among the malignancies, gastric
carcinoma was the most common disease affecting 14
patients (35.9%) and among the benign diseases,
caustic injury induced stenosis was the most
common, involving 14 patients (35.9%). Pancreatic
carcinoma was found in 3 patients (7.7%) and peptic
ulcer disease in 4 patients (10.3%).
Conclusion: Gastric outlet obstruction is a serious
and difficult to manage problem. Malignancy was
the most common cause (53.8%) of gastric outlet
obstruction. Post caustic gastric outlet obstruction
has emerged as the second most common(35.9%)
cause. Caustic stricture leading to gastric outlet
obstruction is emerging as a serious health care issue
in developing countries, especially among young
females with poor socioeconomic status.