To determine the correlation of mean
transcerebellar diameter and mean gestational age in
third trimester of pregnancy
Methods: In this cross sectional study all pregnant
women with previous regular menstrual period aged
25-35 years, gestational age between 26 to 38 weeks
assessed on LMP and having single fetus assessed
on ultrasound were enrolled. Ultrasound
measurements of TCD (in mm) were made.
Results: Mean age of the patients was 29.53 ±3.60
years. Mean gestational age of the patients was 32.56
±3.51 weeks. There were 61% nulliparous and 39%
multiparous women. Spearman’s Correlation test
was applied to see the relationship of TCD with
gestational age. Strong positive correlation was
observed (rho 0.968, p-value <0.001).
Conclusion: Strong positive correlation of mean
transcerebellar diameter and mean gestational age is
observed in third trimester of pregnancy