Official publication of Rawalpindi Medical University
Assessment of Hearing Loss by Audiometry - Our Experience at Tertiary Care Hospital

How to Cite

Mehboob Khan Yazdani , Ahmed Hasan Ashfaq , Muhammad Arshad , Umair Ashfaq , Salman Aslam , Jawad Faisal Malik MKY , AHA , MA , UA , SA , JFM. Assessment of Hearing Loss by Audiometry - Our Experience at Tertiary Care Hospital. JRMC [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 29];26(2-S1). Available from:


Objective: To analyze the results of pure tone audiometry in the terms of age, sex, and type of hearing loss attending the hospital with the complaint of hearing loss.

Materials and Methods:

In this descriptive study, patients attending Benazir Bhutto hospital with complaints of hearing loss were included. The data analysis was done under the terms of age, sex and unilateral/bilateral, and type of loss after pure tone audiometry of every case. The type of hearing loss was determined as conductive, SNHL, and mixed hearing loss.

Results: There were 47 patients. Males were 34 (72.34%) outnumbering13females 13(27.66). Adults were44 (93.61%) and children were 3(6.34%). Mixed hearing loss was28 (59.57%)% compared to conductive hearing loss 15 (31.91) and SNHL4 (8.51%).

Conclusion: Hearing loss is more common in adults and more prevalent in males. It is mostly bilateral. Mixed hearing loss is more common as compared to conductive and SNHL respectively. Sociacusis is to be taken seriously.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Mehboob Khan Yazdani , Ahmed Hasan Ashfaq , Muhammad Arshad , Umair Ashfaq , Salman Aslam , Jawad Faisal Malik