To assess the cardiovascular risk
profile of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
(T2DM), the prevalence of microalbuminuria, and
the prescription pattern in management of overall
cardiovascular/renal risk in out patient practice.
Methods: In this cross sectional study consecutive
adult patients with T2DM signed the informed
consent and were interviewed by the investigator to
establish the cardiovascular risk profile. Presence of
microalbuminuria (20–200mg/l) was diagnosed using
Micral-Test® strips. Analysis was done by
descriptive statistics, and multivariate logistic
regression was performed to identify the
independent risk-factors for the development of
Results: Of the 1763 patients enrolled, data was
analyzed on 1596 patients. Major cardiovascular riskfactors
included hypertension (55.4%), sedentary
lifestyle (49.8%), and metabolic syndrome (30.5%).
Microalbuminuria was prevalent in 55.6% (95% CI
53.1-58.0) patients. On multivariate analysis,
significant association was observed with total
cholesterol (p = 0.029, OR: 2.26, 95% CI: 1.09 – 4.71)
and diastolic BP (p = 0.015, OR: 2.67, 95% CI: 1.21 –
5.91). The most commonly prescribed
antihypertensive drugs were angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors (41.7%), calcium channel blockers
(13.2%) and beta blockers (10%), while most
commonly prescribed antidiabetic drugs were
sulfonylureas (61.9%), biguanides (56.1%) and
thiazolidinediones (17.4%).
Conclusions: Patients with T2DM are at increased
cardiovascular risk specifically with uncontrolled
diastolic blood pressure and high total cholesterol
levels. There is also a high prevalence of
microalbuminuria in patient with T2DM.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Ebrahim M. A