Official publication of Rawalpindi Medical University
Birth Asphyxia - Clinical Experience and Immediate Outcomes

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Arshad Rafique , Muhammad Akram , Rizwan Asad Khan, Muhammad Fakhar-ul-Zaman. Birth Asphyxia - Clinical Experience and Immediate Outcomes. JRMC [Internet]. 2017 Mar. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];21(1). Available from:


To find out immediate outcome of
neonates with birth asphyxia and its association
with risk factors.
Methods: This cross sectional study included all
consecutive babies admitted with diagnosis of birth
asphyxia . Babies with congenital heart disease,
congenital malformations and prematurity were
excluded. Biodata and clinical parameters including
place of delivery,dai handling,time of arrival in
hospital,mode of delivery, grades of hypoxic
ischemic encephalopathy, outcome in terms of
discharge and death were recorded.
Results: Sixty one patients were included in the
study. Majority (80.3%) were male..Mothers having
regular antenatal checkup were 65.5%. Eleven (18%)
babies were home delivered and 50(82%) in hospital
setup. In 16.4% babies there was history of dai
handling. 60.7% babies were delivered by SVD and
39.3 % by C- section. Majority (83.6 %) presented
within 6 hours. Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
stage I, II and III was seen in 39.3%, 49% and11.5%
respectively. Forty eight (78.7%) babies were
discharged and 13(21.3%) died. No evidence of
association was found between outcome at discharge
and time of arrival at hospital (p value=0.33)and dai
handling (p value= 0.114). Significant association
was found between outcome at discharge and place
of delivery (p value=0 .031) and outcome at discharge
and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy stage (p
Conclusion: Asphyxiated newborns have
significant short term mortality in association with
home deliveries and hypoxic ischemic
encephalopathy stage III